Window Security Screens:
Window security screens look great and provide your home with protection against insect pests that can enter through open windows and other undesireables who would like to come through your window at other times.
The screens are strongly engineered with a great system design, top materials and excellent finishes. So they work brilliantly and look fabulous in your home. They are Australian Standards compliant for all aspects concerning security screens and provide an excellent barrier to protect your family from unwelcome guests.
The sheer see-through quality of the stainless steel security mesh used in SupaScreen window and door screens really helps to open you home to the outside, without compromising on control over who comes in.
Get your home ready for a great (pest-free) summer now. Call Blinds One today for a quote to install SupaScreen security screens to your home. 03 9305 2664
Amplimesh SupaScreen allows clear view through your windows and at the same keeps out unwanted intruders. Made for Australian conditions, compliant with Australian Standards AS5039-2008 and backed by the Amplimesh 10 year warranty.
It’s great to feel safe and protected from the outside with security screens, but that security can present a hazard when a threat such as fire comes from within the building. A security screen system that allows occupants to exit through normally secure windows answers this hazard.
Amplimesh has the ideal solution for fire-safe window security screens – the fire egress security screen system. Fire egress screens provide the same SupaScreen security but with the added benefit of Amplimesh’s easy-release screen fastening. Security screens can be quickly and easily released from within the building by people of all ages allowing easy exit under emergency conditions.